This search tool allows you to search the Louisiana Secretary of State database for Business Entities that have filed with this office. A business entity can be a corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, non-profit corporation, trade name, trade mark or service mark.

Search by Entity Name
You may search on just the first few letters of the entity name to include a wide range of results. The more letters in your search, the more accurate the results. For example a search of “Louis” would return “Louis Armstrong Foundation, Incorporated” and “The Alexander Hamilton Club of Louisiana” and “Chateau Louise”.
Take into consideration the various spellings of words (i.e. Cajun vs. Kajun) as well as words that are spelled differently but are phonetically similar (i.e. Easy, EZ, E-Zee). 
Punctuation marks, special characters and entity “ends” (Incorporated, Corporation, Company, Limited, Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability Partnership or the abbreviation of any of the previously listed endings) are ignored. 
Search by Entity Number


A Louisiana Secretary of State charter number is a unique, alpha-numeric identifier assigned to each entity upon filing with this office. The charter number is 8 digits long and includes 1 letter of the alphabet (i.e. 35294371D). All 9 characters must be entered into the search box for a result.

Trade Names, Trade Marks, Service Marks
A Louisiana Secretary of State TN, TM, SM number is a unique, numeric identifier assigned upon filing the TN, TM, SM application. The TN, TM, SM number consists of a 2 digit number followed by a hyphen and 4 more digits (a space between the first set of numbers and the second set may be used to search). All 6 numbers including a hyphen or space must be entered into the search box for a result (i.e. 50-0001).
Search By Individual Name

You may search the first few letters of an individual’s first or last name to include a wide range of results. The more letters in your search, the more accurate the results.