This search tool allows you to view existing Financial Statements you submitted for 120 days.

Search by Business Name

You may search the Debtor using just the first few letters of the organization name to include a wide range of results. The more letters in your search, the more accurate the results. Punctuation marks, special characters and entity �ends� (Incorporated, Corporation, Company, Limited, Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability Partnership or the abbreviation of any of the previously listed endings) are ignored.

Search by Individual Name

You may search the first few letters of an individual�s first or last name of the Debtor to include a wide range of results. The more letters in your search, the more accurate the results.

Search by Filing Number

You may search the file number of the Initial Financing Statement by entering the 2-digit parish code followed by the filing number in the search fields. Searching the file number will bring you directly to the requested filing.

Search by TaxID#

You may search for a filing using the Debtor�s Tax ID number. Searching the Tax ID number is an exact number search, not a wild card search.