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  Home > Business Services > Read Administrative Rules

Read Administrative Rules

The secretary of state has rule making authority under La. R.S. 36:742, Louisiana Corporations law and Louisiana's Uniform Commercial Code to promulgate administrative rules to provide more detail for certain corporations and UCC laws passed by the Legislature that set broad policy. Visit the Division of Administration's website for more information about the Louisiana Administrative Code.

Title 10. Financial Institutions, Consumer Credit, Investment Securities and UCC (Part XIX Uniform Commercial Code)

Title 19. Corporations and Business (Part V Secretary of State)

Permanent Rules

Title 10. Financial Institutions, Consumer Credit, Investment Securities and UCC

Part XIX. Uniform Commercial Code

Title 19. Corporations and Business

Part V. Secretary of State

Rules (Includes Additions, Deletions and Amendments to New or Existing Rules)

Title 19. Corporations and Business

Part V. Secretary of State

Emergency Rules

Title 19. Corporations and Business

Part V. Secretary of State

Notice of Intent

Title 10. Financial Institutions, Consumer Credit, Investment Securities and UCC

Part XIX. Uniform Commercial Code (Amendments) (Published 4.20.14)

Title 19. Corporations and Business

Part V. Secretary of State

Legislative Narrative Reports Submitted

Title 10. Financial Institutions, Consumer Credit, Investment Securities and UCC

Part XIX. Uniform Commercial Code (Submitted 9.5.13)
Part XIX. Uniform Commercial Code (Amended) (Submitted 6.8.14)

Title 19. Corporations and Business

Part V. Secretary of State

Public Hearings Scheduled

Title 10. Financial Institutions, Consumer Credit, Investment Securities and UCC

Part XIX. Uniform Commercial Code (Amendments) (Agenda for Tuesday, May 27, 2014)

Title 19. Corporations and Business

Part V. Secretary of State