


The Small Business Protection Act, Act 204 of the 2019 Regular Louisiana Legislative Session, requires the secretary of state to post information about proposed state rules that may affect small businesses on its website and to notify interested parties when the rule information is posted.

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In furtherance of the intent of the Small Business Protection Act, the Secretary of State's Office has decided to post the Office of State Register’s (OSR) public comment email address portal to assist interested parties in submitting a comment about an agency’s proposed or existing rule that may affect their business or industry.

The comment should identify the rule’s Title, Part, and Section of the Louisiana Administrative Code and the reasons and/or data why the rule may be (1) contrary to law, (2) outdated, (3) unnecessary, (4) overly complex, or (5) too burdensome. 

Please email any comments to a proposed or existing rule to the Office of State Register’s email portal at 

The agency must provide a written response within 90 days or initiate the rulemaking process to address the comment. The Secretary of State’s Office believes it is important for small businesses to be aware of the proposed rules that may affect their industry and remain civically engaged to ensure agencies are aware of possible concerns. 

Proposed State Rules and Regulations that May Affect Your Business

Potpourri Notices