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Prepare for the notary exam

"Fundamentals of Louisiana Notarial Law and Practice"

The 2025 edition of the Louisiana Notary Public examination official study guide is now available for purchase.


The current edition of the study guide can be obtained from the Secretary of State's Office. You can order the study guide online using a credit card or bank account. You can also complete an order form and pay by check, money order or credit card. Order forms are accepted by mail with a check or money order or fax if you have a credit card saved to your online account. The cost of the study guide is $100 and is non-refundable. Make checks payable to Secretary of State.

The study guide is sent via U.S. mail within 48 hours of receiving the order.

For current information about the examination, see Get Exam Information.

No course or class is required by law in order for you to take the examination, but we suggest you take a course or join a study group. Although the Secretary of State does not recommend particular courses or instructors, we maintain the list of registered and bonded notary exam preparatory course providers.